Bonjour/Bonsoir , je tente ma chance pour être modérateur sur HephoCraft.
Présentation IRL : Je m'appelle Andrew j'ai 15 ans née le 27/01/05. J'habite la Belgique plus exactement a Mons. Je suis actuellement en 3 ième de plus j'aimerai bien devenir chimiste plus tard.
Présentation IG : Parlons maintenant de minecraft mon pseudo est imalius1201. Je joue a minecraft depuis que j'ai 6 ans. Trêve de blabla je joue sur HephoCraft depuis 2 ans et demi (21/07/17). En jeu j'ai 57445 minutes de jeu. Mon pseudo RP pour l'instant est Lucile Lupin.
Pourquoi vous et pas un autre ? Je trouve que tous le monde pourrait être modo mais moi je suis très actif je joue plus de 4 heures par jour cassis. En plus je garde mon calme longtemps mais je suis très impatient...
Disponibilités :
Lundi : /17H-21H
Mardi : /17H-21H
Mercredi : /16H-21H
Jeudi : /17H-21H
Vendredi : /16h30-02H
Samedi : /10H-02H
Dimanche /10H-21H
(pour le week-end ce n'est qu'un weed-end sur 2)
Conclusion : Merci d'avoir lue cette candidature j’espère être pris comme staff bonne chance a tous et bonne soirée a vous chères lecteurs. (Pour pouvoir me contacter via discord : ! HC™️ Shiro1201 |Prisme|#7101).
What are the requirements of the holding furnace It is different from the general mixing furnace, generally should meet the following three requirements: 1. It can control the temperature of the liquid metal during drawing, so that the molten metal is always maintained within a certain temperature range, so as to ensure the normal production of continuous casting and the best quality of the ingot.Vacuum Brazing Technology of Stainless Steel Radiator Core 2. The furnace is required to vibrate back and forth within a certain range. For certain alloys, horizontal continuous casting must be vibrated to obtain good ingot surface quality and crystalline structure. The amplitude range is 0-15 mm, and the vibration frequency is 0-200 times per minute.Heat Treatment of DZ4 Alloy in High Pressure Gas Quenching Vacuum Furnace 3. The front of the furnace body should be easy to install the mold, so that the liquid metal in the furnace can directly enter the mold in a short distance.Multi-purpose vacuum heat treatment equipment Therefore, the holding furnace is made into a horizontal power frequency induction furnace with an iron core with a slightly square body.Surgical instruments stainless steel vacuum heat treatment This kind of furnace can be tilted and rotated and cannot be tilted. Although the structure of the tiltable furnace is more complicated , but can prevent the danger of liquid metal shock during leakage. In the process of low pressure casting, the furnace body has to bear a large load, and the furnace shell must have sufficient rigidity and sealing.Die Steel & Vacuum Heat Treatment News
What is a sealing cap The sealing cover (furnace cover) of the electric heating reverberatory furnace only bears the pressure of the gas, and the structure is relatively simple.Aerospace material vacuum heat treatment furnace However, the No. 7 part in the sealing cover of the resistance heating furnace has poor working conditions and strict requirements. It needs to be sealed with the crucible; at the same time, it must be sealed with the riser; during pressure maintenance and pouring, it needs to be sealed with the casting mold. Tightly fit and withstand the impact of the weight of the mold and the opening and closing mechanism. Therefore, Gear Process Vacuum Heat Treatment Furnacethe sealing cover must meet the following requirements: first, Vacuum Heat Treatment of LD Steel Hexagonal Cold Heading Dieit is not easy to deform under the action of external force and heat, and the sealing performance is good; second, the temperature of the joint part with the riser pipe is easy to control; third, it is easy to assemble and fasten. The sealing cover material is generally cast with ductile iron or gray iron, and should not be made of steel.
1. This type of drying box should work indoors and be installed smoothly. 2. The power input should be equipped with a dedicated front-level on-off switch and connected to a good ground wire.Vacuum Heat Treatment Of Aluminum Alloys News 3. Take in baking objects: Do not hit the part of the temperature controller that extends into the studio to prevent damage to the temperature controller and cause failure. 4. When it is newly purchased or put aside for a long time, it should be baked at a low temperature of 80-100 ℃ for two hours before starting to increase the temperature, so as to facilitate the leakage of moisture, enhance the insulation performance and prolong the life of the porcelain parts.Vacuum Heat Treatment For Parts Production
Application of vacuum technology
Metallurgical industry: The vacuum technology used in the metallurgical industry includes molten steel vacuum processing, vacuum melting, vacuum induction melting, induction shell melting, vacuum arc remelting, etc. Among them, the vacuum treatment of molten steel is a very important aspect of the metallurgical industry. This technology is mainly used in the atomic energy industry, aerospace technology, ocean drilling technology, gas engine technology, automobile industry, aircraft manufacturing, high-speed trains and other high-tech industries to control and process certain elements in steel, and to The life and reliability of materials put forward higher and higher requirements.
The Effect Of Carbon Concentration On Mechanical Properties After Carburizing Heat Treatment
Electronics and microelectronics industry: Microelectronics technology requires smaller and smaller electronic components and circuits, and higher integration requirements. This is inseparable from the application of vacuum technology, especially the microfabrication technology of VLSI. The formation of geometrical structure, ultra-thin layer growth technology, and particle beam injection technology all require a high-quality and clean vacuum environment, which shows its development Dependence on vacuum technology and equipment.
The Role Of Preheating Before Welding And Heat Treatment After Welding
Energy saving vacuum system According to the calculation, after recognizing the pumping speed of vacuum pump, it is necessary to carefully consider the type of pump. For example, for the oil sealed mechanical pump with pumping speed of 150L / s, the slide valve pump needs 17kw of driving power, while the cycloid pump only uses 13kw. If the latter is selected for long-time operation, it will save much electric energy, and has small volume, light weight, small oscillation and convenient repair. The transmission power of the direct coupled pump is better than that of the V-belt drive.Also such as oil laxity pump, oil booster pump thermal power is very low, long starting time, will also consume a lot of energy and time, so can choose low transpiration latent heat oil as working fluid. In the heating system of the pump, the heating power is reduced from 30kW to 20kW, and the pumping effect is the same. Then roots vacuum pump starts quickly, especially suitable for the system with frequent starting. If the oil booster pump or fault expansion pump is selected, the system will not stop the pump during the non operation period, wasting energy in vain. It is also a good way to save energy. In the vacuum system of roots pump, the pressure difference between the outlet and the inlet of roots pump should not be too large, otherwise it will bring too much power consumption. Because the power consumption of this pump is proportional to the pressure difference. Generally, a small roots pump is connected in series to save power consumption.CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum PumpRoots BlowersRoots Vacuum Pump
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